Looking for More Green in the coming year? Getting the word out about your product and service can be as easy as placing an ad in WE Magazine for Women.

WE Magazine (Winter Edition) is offering a GREENER DECEMBER Savings of up to 75% off on all graphic ads through January 5, 2010!

soldFor a limited time you can order a full, half, quarter page or business card ad in the WINTER Edition of WE Magazine and save up to 70%. That’s right!  Winter Edition comes out toward the end of January.

In addition to being showcased in the digital magazine, your ad will be seen on the website.  That’s right. Every advertiser will have an opportunity to also submit up to 2 paragraphs of text and a button ad (125 X 125 pixels) that will be highlighted in a post between January 10 and March 15, 2010. It’s like getting 2 ads in one.

A full page ad (reg. $287) is now $87 – 10 inches high by 8 inches wide https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=10790310

A half page ad (reg. $177) now $57 – 5 inches high by 8 inches wide https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=10790346

Quarter page ad (reg. $97) now $37 – 5 inches high by 4 inches wide https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=10790357

Business card ad (reg. $57) now $27 – 2.5 inches high by 3.5 inches wide https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=10790368

To place your order,  click on the paypal link above for the size ad you want, pay for the ad and then send your ad copy (camera ready in either jpeg or gif format) to heidi (at) wemagazineforwomen dot com with “Here’s My AD for WE Magazine” in the subject line. As soon as we receive your payment and ad copy, we will  confirm your order.

Reserve your space NOW! As of December 28, 2009, we have only 3 full- page ads and 6 half-page ads left. Ads are accepted on a first come basis.  Once ad space is sold, ad link will no longer work.

If you have any questions send an email to heidi (at) wemagazineforwomen dot com.

Take advantage of this Business-building promotional opportunity TODAY!

Deadline for submission extended to January 5, 2010.

*Note: if you need help putting your graphics together, let us know. For as little as $50 we can design an ad for you.  To see samples of the ads we have created go to:  http://www.staging.wemagazineforwomen.com/about/advertise/sample-ad-graphics/

 Check out the Fall Issue here (PDF) https://s3.amazonaws.com/WEMagazine/fall2009.pdf